How it works

Our proven protocol can rebalance your gut microbiome and improve your energy in as little as 10 days.

Take Our Assessment

Share your symptoms to learn how common foods you eat can cause various downstream health issues.

Start Your Personalized Plan

Reset your gut microbiome with a 2-week program based on your assessment results.

Unlock The New You

Conquer your day without crashes or digestive interruptions with our proven step-by-step program.

Take Our Assessment

Our proprietary nutrition assessment shows how commonly eaten foods can trigger various health symptoms

  • Discover nutritional patterns behind common
    issues like sleep, skin, or digestive disturbances
  • Uncover potential food sensitivities that can trigger frustrating symptoms or energy crashes
  • Address problem areas by temporarily adjusting the combination of nutrients in your diet
Start Your Personalized Plan

Your 2-week reset systematically guides you to remove foods from your diet that are associated with your symptoms and add foods that are supportive of gut health.

  • Reduce your gut inflammation and toxic burden with our gold-standard reset
  • Establish a new energy baseline by restoring the integrity and balance of your gut microbiota
  • Fortify your intestinal barrier to prevent leaky gut and unwanted immune response
  • Support your metabolic detoxification so you can better tolerate troublesome foods in the future
  • Discover more balanced hormones
Unlock The New You

Say goodbye to frustrating energy crashes that derail your productivity and happiness. Discover a higher baseline of performance with your core fuel foods.

  • Unlock new levels of energy by freeing up digestion energy from troublesome foods
  • Eat as much as you want as you enjoy 100 + core fuel foods along with easy to follow recipes
  • Release unwanted weight and other tough to treat symptoms as your body naturally detoxes
  • Experience a profound shift in daily energy levels without the crashes

Power your day with Bala

Start Today