About Bala Health

Founding Story

I was diagnosed with chronic hives in my early 20s. I took daily anti-histamines that wrecked my energy. Everyday I hoped my skin wouldn't inflame into an itchy, blotchy mess.

After 2 decades on pills, a functional health expert gave me the secret nutrition tweaks I needed to eliminate my hives. I started living a life I didn't know was possible.

My family joined the journey as well. We tackled autoimmune disease, digestion and brain fog together.

I've built Bala to help others figure out the best food to fuel their healthiest, best life.

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Our Principles

Food Is A Force For Good

High quality, well sourced food solves many problems

Outcomes Matter

The only results that matter are the sustainable ones

Honor Individuality

Every body is different so health looks different to every body

Choice is Power

Provide guidelines that empower, not restrict

To Feel Different, Try Something Different